your Agency
in Andorra
Fidencis - Our Agency
Firm regulated by the AFA
Part of Nodum Corporate, forming a Family Office regulated by the Andorran Financial Authority:
guaranteed compliance with the legal and tax regulations in force.
Wide expertise
Tax lawyers, international tax law, financial analysts.
Fidencis eliminates intermediaries and manages your project in Andorra, whatever it may be, from A to Z.
Unequalled proximity
Whether setting up a business, tax planning or a total life change,
each situation is unique - like the personal support we provide.

Andorran relocation agency, your success is our success
More than 10 years' experience of serving your projects in Andorra
Our team has unique experience in the field of administrative, tax, legal, financial and accounting management. Fidencis has an exceptional team, with substantial qualifications in many sectors of activity. Moreover, it has developed the ability to smoothly adapt to the needs of each individual for successful relocation. In the belief that our clients’ achievements are key to our success, we are proud to offer a highly personalised service, which complies with the legal and tax regulations, and to support our loyal clients every day on their road to success.
Families assisted
Tax lawyers
Client satisfaction
Our clients talk about us
More than 50 families assisted
Our team not only has remarkable experience in the field of administrative, legal, tax, financial and accounting management, but also in financial and property investment. Fidencis is exceptional for its comprehensive service, which it can offer through its membership of the corporate group: NODUM Corporate.
Fidencis possesses a team that operates in various sectors of activity, which has developed cutting-edge technical skills over the years and the ability to adapt to different requirements. We are proud to offer a tailored service that complies with the current legal and tax regulations, and to support our clients in their professional growth by offering a quality of service that is unparalleled in Andorra.
✓ Tax lawyers
at your disposal
✓ Financial advisers
experts in analysis (CEFA)
✓ Acccounting
✓ Experienced
client managers
Our Experts
A highly-qualified team to guide you

Patrícia Nogal

Norma Kallenbach

Abdou Taouil

Maria Castilla

Ramon Chese

client advisor
Miriam Airosa